The one who wants to live his life in his own way rather being normal life style of human being. Many person of our current generation loves to live his life like him, but have you really noticed it was not actually easy for him! No matter what life we chose, we face difficulties, we need to pay something for chasing our dreams. Bunny was the one who was unable to see face of his dad who supported him throughout his life. But he wants speed, like he said-

"Mein life se Raftar Chahta hoon, Pagal pan mein Udna Chahta hoon, Dodna Chahta hoon, Girna bi Chahta hoon, Bas Rukna nai Chahta.. "

He was actually happy with his decision. He lived the life he want. We all are proud of him. We all are fond of him. In the end, he got his love also. I feel he is lucky who was able to fulfil his dreams and also got a girl who love him truly almost a decade. But I guess Luck is Proportional to Honesty.
He was Honest to his Own Heart. He was firm on his decision of chasing his dreams. We all love him. He was not a body builder but he was very very strong emotionally. To melt such a person is not easy, but a girl like Naina only able to bring tears in his eyes, she only make him feels to appeal a moment more, for being in a hug. Oh Bunny, we love you and we are happy that you left your "khudgarzi" and decided to celebrate your new year with her.


The one who wants was a very serious medical student, but when she tried once to live a life in a different way, results came out to be a confident girl. Initially she was just a studious girl, but after the trip, she became confident and a very beautiful girl. You know when movie started, she clearly stated that yes after 8 years also, she is still in love with Kabir, but she was not waiting for him. That's the actual love of this generation. If you are in love, then no conditions, no guilt, no expectations, always Go With The Flow. And see the result of God, at the end she was with him. I know in practical life, it seems to be impossible, many of thing its just a movie. But you know what, deep inside, everyone wants this, everyone has fantasy of their own love story and each of one try to be in relationship. Now a days, more than once, but many of them failed and literally move on, but since with time they fall again and after many failed relationship, there is always one relationship in which they finally success, may be it is result of after marriage or before marriage. But once they get success, then they realize what if they have shown the same guts in their first love like Naina. Some people say, love in immature age is just affectionate, but I feel its not for everyone, instead Love in that age is actually a pure one without any practical thoughts. For Naina, it was her first trip without any practical medical career or something, and she fall in love with the guy who was never going to be with her, but she didn't feel anything bad, instead she was happy to accept her feelings. She felt more confident, and that changed her life a lot. Even she never thought of being a friend of Aditi, but her just a single step of going on trip changed her lifestyle, her personality, her confidence, her point of view. I still love her words,

"Yahi ki Subah ho gayi!!"


Aditi was the one who was the example of a perfect Move on. She was literally in deep Love with Avi, but with time being she really found out that it's okay if you don't get love from the one whom you love. Yes, you can still be happy with some-one else for whom you are special. She set an example if a person you love don't love you back, it doesn't mean the person who love us , should not get a chance. Every human has a right to be happy and she proudly moved on without finding fault of anyone including the fate. She didn't blame anyone , not even to her fate. Even in friendship, she accepted the friends the way they are. Like Bunny wants to go for his dreams, she just accepted it though it was too tough. And you know positive point of Aditi, she can wonderful power of convincing any of his friends, like she made Bunny to come back to India, she made Naina to feel that some excitement is missing from her life, She has the best Talent which she might not knowing that she has some magic which makes a guy like Taran be confident about himself that he fall for her without caring his own looks. Baki Duniya kehti na Taran ko, k tujse itni hot ladki pategi kya!! She sat an example that if feelings of happiness exist, then nothing else matters. Even she made Bunny realize that whose company he want. She just help everyone in a way or other. Directly or Indirectly!! She also set an example, if a person is not a lover then also he/she can be best friend. Avi was his best friend till end.

"Before meeting Taran, I was alright, but after meeting him, I realize I can be happy as well "

Last but not the Least Character, AVI. To read it , Click Here.